Open inspections are exciting as you are looking at all the features and benefits of a great looking home that will be so good for your family.
But did you look inside the roof for faults or do you have access to the tools required to check for damaged bathroom wet areas?
This is why having a house inspected is such an important thing to do.
At only $320 for a 3-5 bedroom home, single storey, it's not really that expensive and it should give you the opportunity to re negotiate your offer to the vendor.
Once you know that the bathroom will cost you over $20,000 to stop the damp related issues that are effecting the adjoining walls.
These are the same walls that your children will be sleeping next too, it suddenly makes sense to have an inspection done.
The agent of course will not let you or me actually inspect the house at an open inspection, for fear of scaring away other buyers.
This is why most inspections are arranged after you make an offer during the cooling off period.
Our inspections include on roof and in roof visual inspections to check for failed timber work, damaged roofing etc. These are places you couldn't see during your open inspection time.
Every house has faults or defects and every repair will cost you money. This is money you didn't know you would also have to spend.
Wouldn't you like the ability to ask to change your accepted offer by having a reason in writing that could save you thousands off the purchase price.
So you can afford to have the house repaired when you are ready and its not a rude financial shock that you were not prepared for.
Of course I check guttering and down pipes for fall and rust. House walls for structural defects and to assure they are plumb. Perimeter pathways for fall away from the home to ensure salt damp issues are controlled.
Fencing stability and corrosion issues. Sheds for compliance issues such as poor electrical wiring, over span construction etc.
Then the whole house gets inspected.
To see the whole list of what is included have a look under the "WHATS IN MY REPORT" tab in the page header.