Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon sight, as the free insulation offer provided by the Government, provided the opportunity for many trades people to enter the insulation market.
The photos shown here are however from a new build that I inspected recently and demonstrate a sub standard installation that is not up to the regulations.
House insulation must be installed to Australian standards AS 3999-2015. The batts should be snugly placed between the joists or between the trusses. Gaps of 50mm from flues or vents is recommended.
Where recessed lighting is installed in an accessible roof space, a permanent and legible warning sign must be installed in the roof space adjacent to the access panel in a position that is visible to a person entering the space.
The sign must comply to AS 1319, Safety signs for the occupational environment, and contain the words shown as on the photo above.
Installation of batts require that you leave a clearance of 50mm from the body of heat emitting fixtures such as downlights and flues.
A hole should be cut in the batt to suit the location of the fixture. The transformer should be placed above the insulation.
Importantly, do not use small pieces of batts to form part of the barrier around a fixture as these pieces could dislodge and cover the fixture
potentially overheating/faulting the device (as determined by AS 3999 appendix B)